Plans and Pricing

Monthly Student Membership
$16 a month after 7 Day Free Trial
Sign up for a Student Membership for $16 a month and you are ready to go now. We are adding content everyday and we now have hundreds of songs and lessons. It's fun and will be one of the best things you ever do for you! This plan includes:
- Full access to the complete site
- Four skill levels of lessons
- HD video sessions of lessons and songs
- Sheet music or charts for each lesson when applicable
- Audio clips for practicing timing and pace
- Support emails from "Practice Tips"
- Unlimited "Ask a Question" email ability
Sign Up Today For a 7 Day Free Trial
Want a Better Deal?
$10 a month with prepaid six months
Sign up for six months at a time and get your lessons for $10 a month. You will receive everything the same as the monthly program.
You prepay $60 and get six months of access to the program
Sign Up Today $10 a Month
Want an Even Better Deal?
$8 A Month When Paid Annually
Sign up for one year and get your lessons for $8 a month. You will receive everything the same as the monthly program.
You prepay $96 and get twelve months of access to the program
Sign Up Today $8 a Month